Moving into a New World

As this world and this life we live moves faster and faster into change and a new paradigm for daily life, events around us make it hard to stay within ourselves and focused on our hearts. But doing so is more important now than ever.I came across this blog post  by an American teacher living in Sendai, Japan. A Special Message From Sendai Japan: thoughts and experiences in the aftermath of the earthquake brings a first hand perspective to a new way of being with ourselves and those around us. Take a few minutes, read her posts and then return to this blog and enjoy this meditation:Breathe deeply, go inside yourself and feel the space of your heart. Now allow that space to expand with each breath. Radiate the love your heart feels out to the world as you send healing thoughts to those in need and to those around you.Be confident in knowing that when viewed from the perspective of an all loving heart the world can sing for peace and harmony. Help raise this heart song each day as we work together to heal Mother Earth.

Take time today.


Create With Your Heart